Classic Spring Bouquet Without Lilies


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Gift description

A lush spring bouquet, made with stunning seasonal blooms in a classic style, and not a single lily. The larger size will feature even more beautiful (or more unusual) blooms.

Ballybofey Florist cover the Ballybofey, Donegal Town and Letterkenny area with same day delivery Monday through Saturday.

For same day deliveries place order by 2pm that day.
Next day flower delivery also available

Delivery Charges

Delivery is additional to prices shown.
Local: Within 12 Mile Radius of Ballybofey Florist €10.00
Collect In Shop €0.00
Courier: (Next Day delivery Mon-Fri within Donegal Only) €15.00

Flowers are a living piece of nature and require some essential hygiene practices to improve their vase life.
We recommend the following generally, however, each species and their varieties often have individual requirements.

Flower Care Guide

Price: 60.00